
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crib Spring to Memory Board

August 28, 2011.
Joshua found an old crib spring while alley romping and asked if I had any interest in it. I was so ecstatic because I had repinned this:  into "for my someday craft room", thinking I would use the boys "white" crib spring when Abraham no longer needed it. "White" being perfect for the craft room with all of it's white cabinets. However, the one he brought home was brown and rustic and just begging to be put up above the piano in the living room, which has all dark wood furniture, filling the void that has been empty for oh, eight years!!! We never wanted to put anything there thinking it would be too distracting to Joshua's piano students, but figured it might catch their attention the first time and then, hopefully, be a non issue.
Papa getting the job done!!!
The littles watching pops with their ear protection on.
Abey's eye/ear protection:)
Levi offered to vacuum the dust off the sound his helpful heart.
 Oh, Oh, Oh, the BONUS...we finally had a place to hang the "memories" sign I bought at Aunt Mic's shop years ago. I originally thought I'd put it in the hallway, but this worked out much better I think! (I still want to paint the letters green though...I need to add that to my list;)
I still have lots of photos and mementos to add, but it's up and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Setting Goals and Sticking to Them

This blog will be a little different from our family blog at Chips Off The Old Blocks. It's more to document the GOALS I have and post a pic, of said goals, as I accomplish them. Hoping that seeing a visual of what I have "ACCOMPLISHED" will excite me enough to keep going. I'm a LOW-E kind of person and definitely not self-motivated. Here's hoping I can change that. It's about time...I'm only like 36 years old;) HA!!!