
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Candle Filled Mason Jars Suspended By Wire

Joshua and I, being the hoarders we are, have boxes and boxes of Classico spaghetti sauce "mason" type jars. We even gave boxes of them away! Not sure if that means I'm a good pasta eating 1/2 Italian or that I need to branch out in the food department;) I've seen countless pins of all the cool stuff you can do with mason jars, but never repinned them, so I don't have a link to go to.  But on 10-22-11 we went to the most darling "cowgirl" party for our dear friend's daughter and the setting just blew me away. The lucky little birthday girl has one seriously crafty mama!!!
This was their backyard the night of the party.
Notice what are hanging in the tree in the background? Candle filled mason jars suspended by wire. It looked magical!
*note...we stole used Jen's idea of the hay bales surrounding the firepit for our Halloween party the following weekend. Joshua scored the hay bales off of free cylce!*
So, I grabbed a spool of wire and wire clippers from the garage and started cutting in twisting. Couldn't be easier! Joshua said he will attempt to find our boxes of others so I can make more:))) Oh, all of our jars in boxes are the thinner ones like the one hanging on the right. Now they offer a fatter family size jar like the one the left, so we'll have a little variety. My GOAL is to post a pic of a tree or patio filled with tons of these guys. Such great ambiance!!!

***1/20/12 UPDATE***
I 've made 8 so far, but I've given up until I get a thinner gauge wire. This stuff hurts my fingers and takes too long. A thinner gauge will definitely speed up the process:)))

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